Old School Pizza Co.’s

Gluten-Free Crust

Further Information

 Common Questions

Who makes your gluten-free crust?

Our gluten-free crust is made by a company called Gluten Free-Dom based in Etobicoke, ON.

What are the ingredients in the gluten-free crust?

Water, white rice flour, potato starch, canola oil, sugar, yeast, salt, modified cellulose, calcium propinate.

How is our pizza prepared safely?

We take a number of precautions to ensure that every gluten-free pizza is prepared as safely as possible.*

  1. We use freshly prepped ingredients (stored in a separate area) to lower the risk of cross-contamination

  2. The pizza is then prepared on its own cleaned metal pan, ensuring the crust never comes into contact with any paddle or other surface that previously contained non-gluten free crust or ingredients

  3. The pizza is then cooked on that very same metal pan in our woodfired oven at 725ºF

  4. Then, when the pizza is finished baking, it is cut on an exclusively gluten-free cutting board and with an exclusively gluten-free cutting blade.

Is this celiac friendly?

Ultimately, only you can decide if the risk of ordering gluten-free items from a restaurant falls within the parameters of your celiac-related diet. We have every confidence that our rigid standards for preparing and handling gluten-free pizzas should meet most requirements, however, as noted below in our disclaimer, we cannot make any guarantees, and encourage you to know your own limits.

If you have celiac disease, please indicate this when ordering and we will have even more caution when preparing your order (as outlined above) than we usually do.


While we take every precaution possible to ensure that every single gluten-free pizza order is prepared as safely as possible—regardless of how busy our kitchen may be at any one time—it is important to understand that we cannot guarantee a pizza will never be cross-contaminated with a traditional pizza crust, ingredients, or surface. It is your sole responsibility to assess the risk of ordering a gluten-free item from a restaurant—any restaurant—and to know what you should or should not be willing to do.

It is hard to stress just how hard we try to go the extra mile every single time a gluten-free order is placed, but we do not accept any responsibility should we be unable to meet these rigid guidelines in the most extraordinary of circumstances.